IDA Pittsburgh COVID-19 update

Hello IDA PGH!

This morning I received an email from the Executive Director of the main IDA. He suggested we suspend any group meetings until May 11th. While we did not have any meetings scheduled, we were asking for help in outreach at star parties in the area. At this time, until the all-clear is given by the medical industry, I am asking you to only continue outreach online. Please do talk to people online about the impacts of light pollution, with more emphasis on health during this trying time. Of course, iterate on all of the impacts!

Most of the star parties in the area have already been cancelled anyway, keep an eye on for updates on which star parties are still proceeding as scheduled. We will try to keep it as up to date as possible.

With that in mind, a few events were planned nationally, primarily International Dark Sky Week, which is April 19-26. There are ideas being put together for online engagement that week. As I get information, I will forward it.

As for the recent meeting, it went very well, and I have some notes to pass along. I will get the newsletter with the notes to you all later this week.

Stay safe and healthy,

Daylon Burt